Ubuntu I2P

Linux (Ubuntu) Setup - Intermediate #

This works for Ubuntu (Bionic 18.04 and newer), Linux Mint (Tara19 or newer), and their derivatives.


  • Ubuntu 18.04 or newer
  • OpenSSL 1.1 or newer
  • Basic Terminal Skills

Open a terminal (Ctrl Alt T) and enter

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p
This command will add the PPA to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory and fetch the GPG key that the repository has been signed with. The GPG key ensures that the packages have not been tampered with since being built. Update your package manager by entering

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
This command will retrieve the latest list of software from each repository that is enabled on your system, then update that software. Now you can install I2P! If you want a quick web interface, install i2p, if you want a configurable daemon, install i2pd. Enter the following into the console.

sudo apt-get install i2p


sudo apt-get install i2pd
Do not install both or they will conflict If you installed i2p, then you can start the I2P router by entering

i2prouter start
If you installed the i2pd daemon service, you can enable it on startup and start it by entering both

sudo systemctl enable i2pd


sudo systemctl start i2pd

Now that the I2P network has started on your machine, navigate to in a browser to view your statistics. You will most likely need to wait 10 or more minutes before you can access any eepSites through a proxy. As you build more tunnels, you will get a faster and more reliable connection. Download the Tor Browser from their main website, extract it, run ./start-tor-browser.desktop to start the Tor Browser. Navigate to about:config before connecting to the Tor Network. Search for and change the following settings

  • Search for extensions.torbutton.use_nontor_proxy set it to true
  • Search for network.proxy.http set it to
  • Search for network.proxy.http_port set it to 4444
  • Search for network.proxy.no_proxies_on set it to
  • Search for network.proxy.socks_remote_dns set it to false
  • Search for dom.security.https_first_pbm set it to false
  • Search for dom.security.https_only_mode set it to false
  • Search for javascript.enabled set it to false

Restart the Tor Browser and enjoy your I2P browsing! When following these instructions, the about:config changes in Tor Browser worsen the browser fingerprint. This is unavoidable if the user intends to use I2P. The modified Tor Browser should only be used for I2P purposes.