Installing Qubes

Installing Qubes #

Download and Burn the Installation Media

  • Go to qubes-os{dot}org and download the latest available ISO
  • Burn the ISO to a USB
  • Boot up the installation USB on your computer of choice

Go through the Qubes Installation

  • It is highly recommended to follow DoD data destruction standards before installing Qubes to a storage device.
  • Upon boot, select Test Media and Install Qubes OS X.X.X
  • Select your language and keyboard layout
  • Under system, select the Installation Destination and leave it on auto configuration unless you require specific partioning.
  • Select I would like to make additional space then Encrypt My Data
  • When you click Done on this section, you will be prompted to create a Disk Encryption password. It is recommended to make this as long as possible while still retaining memory of it!
  • Save the Disk Encryption Password
  • Select Delete All and then Reclaim Space (delete’s existing partitions)
  • You will be redirected to the main menu where you can proceed to Date & Time and select your timezone.
  • Leave the root accound disabled.
  • Now create your user with a strong password differing from your encryption password.
  • Once back at the main installation screen, select Begin Installation
  • Wait for Qubes OS to install
  • Once installation is complete, select Reboot System

Go through the Qubes Configuration

  • Enter Qubes with Hypervisor Enabled
  • Decrypt your Disk
  • Select Qubes OS
  • Select your desired Qube templates to install (Fedora 36, Debian 11, and/or Whonix)
  • Enable Use sys-net qube for both networking and USB devices
  • Enable System and template updates over the Tor anonimity network using Whonix
  • Select Done and click Finish Configuration
  • Wait for default templates to install. (Do not be alarmed if the installation freezes, it’s still working, please be patient)

Get familiar with your Qubes desktop environment

  • Log into your user account
  • The Qube Manager Tray is the blue isometric cube icon in the top-right corner of your desktop. You can manage/view your currently running qubes and their resource usage.
  • In the Qube Manager, you may create, delete, and manage all your qubes.
  • The System Menu is located in the top-left corner of your desktop. Here, you can launch various tools as well as isolated application qubes.
  • Your Qubes Devices are located in the top-right corner of your desktop. Here you can view all your connected devices and provide passthrough to specific qubes (USB passthrough is blocked by default).
  • The Network Manager is located in the top-right corner of your desktop. Here you can connect to various wifi and ethernet access points.

Setup Network Devices

  • Open Qube Manager from the blue isometric cube icon in the top-right corner of your desktop.
  • Select sys-net and shutdown the qube
  • Once shut down, open the sys-net qube settings
  • Go to the devices tab and locate your USB controllers (<font color"red">keep this window open until you click ok)
  • Move each desired USB controller to the right panel to enable them (<font color=“red"This is only recommended if you absolutely need access to USB devices such as storage controllers and network adapters)
  • Click Apply! <font color=“red If your laptop has internal USB peripherals (not PS2) such as a keybaord, modifying these options may disable it and could break your installation if you restart. Remove each USB passthrough one at a time and restart the sys-net qube until your interal peripheral works again.
  • Click OK to close the USB passthrough window
  • Start the sys-net qube and wait for initialization
  • You should now have access to your external network adapter
  • <font color=“red"Connect to the internet

Update your Qubes OS

  • In the top-left System Menu, open the Terminal Emulator
  • Run the following update command

Qubes R4.0 and before:

sudo qubes-dom0-update
Qubes R4.1 and later:
sudo qubes-dom0-update --show-output --console

  • This command may fail at first, a Connection Wizard popup may appear to configure your internet connection for Whonix.
  • Rerun the update command above and wait for the systems to update. (These updates are routed through the Tor Network and may take a long time to complete)
  • Once the update verifies packages, you will need to enter Y when prompted, the default is NO and if you press enter, you will need to restart the update process.

Installing Recommended Software in the Whonix Template

  • Open the System Menu and hover over Template: whonix-ws-XX (IMPORTANT) and open the XFCE terminal.
  • Update the Whonix system template
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install Kleopatra to use PGP encryption.

sudo apt-get install kleopatra

Close the XFCE terminal.

Installing VeraCrypt (requires a debian-11 qube)

  • Open the System Menu and hover over Template: debian-11 (IMPORTANT) and open the terminal.
  • Update the system template
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install VeraCrypt to use PGP encryption.

  • Choose the Debian 11 package and copy the download link into the wget command. (<font color=“red"Always verify PGP signatures before installing!)

Install the .DEB package

sudo dpkg -i vc.deb

Any installation errors should be fixed with

sudo apt-get --fix-broken install
sudo dpkg -i vc.deb

  • Open Qube Manager and select the whonix-ws-XX template.
  • Open Settings > Applications and move KeePassXC and Kleopatra to the right panel.
  • Click Apply and OK.
  • Shutdown the anon-whonix qube in the Qube Manager.
  • Open Settings > Applications and move KeePassXC and Kleopatra to the right panel.
  • Click Apply and OK.

I2P #

Now that you have Qubes installed properly you can install and use i2p! Follow the i2p guide.